Monday, June 9, 2014

Aerodynamics in Sports

Sports one of the most visible applications of the principles of physics but sadly it is rarely ever associated with the latter. A time when computers decide which team based on previous statistics taking into account physics too might lead to a better understanding of the game and a better process to develop your game.

    Aerodynamic principles affect the flight of a sports ball as it travels through the air. From the design of dimples on a golf ball or the curved flight path of a tennis, cricket or baseball,
aerodynamics affects speed, motion (position and placement) and ultimately athletic

The aerodynamics of several different sports balls, including baseballs, golf balls, tennis balls,
cricket balls, volleyballs and soccer balls are discussed with the help of recent wind tunnel
measurements and theoretical analyses. An overview of basic sports ball aerodynamics as well as
some new flow visualization data and aerodynamic force measurements are presented and
discussed. The materials include explanations of basic fluid dynamics principles, such as
Bernoulli's theorem, circulation, the four flow regimes a sphere or a sports ball encounters, and
laminar and turbulent boundary layers. The effects of these specific mechanisms on the behavior
and performance of sports balls are demonstrated. The specific aerodynamics of the strategic
pitches, serves, kicks and strokes used in each sport are described. In particular, the effects of
surface roughness and spin on the behavior of the boundary layers and the critical Reynolds
number are discussed here.

For spinning balls, the Magnus effect, which is responsible for producing the side or lift force, is
discussed in detail, as well as the conditions under which a negative or reverse Magnus effect can
be created. It is interesting to note that except for golf and cricket, the ball in all the other games
included in the present discussion undergoes a flight regime when the ball is not spinning. The
role of the surface roughness, especially if it can be used to generate an asymmetric flow,
becomes even more critical for these cases. This assignment compares and contrasts the unique
aerodynamic characteristics of a variety of sports balls.

Aerodynamics plays a prominent role in defining the flight of a ball that is struck or thrown
through the air in almost all ball sports. The main interest is in the fact that the ball can be made
to deviate from its initial straight path, resulting in a curved, or sometimes an unpredictable,
flight path. Lateral deflection in flight, commonly known as swing, swerve or curve, is well
recognized in baseball, cricket, golf, tennis, volleyball and soccer. In most of these sports, the
lateral deflection is produced by spinning the ball about an axis perpendicular to the line of
flight. In the late 19th century, Lord Rayleigh credited the German scientist, Gustav Magnus, with
the first true explanation of this effect and it has since been universally known as the Magnus
effect. This was all before the introduction of the boundary layer concept by Ludwig Prandtl . It was soon recognized that the aerodynamics of sports balls was strongly dependent on the detailed development and behavior of the boundary layer on the ball's surface.

A side force, which makes a ball swing through the air, can also be generated in the absence of
the Magnus effect. In one of the cricket deliveries, the ball is released with the seam angled,
which creates the boundary layer asymmetry necessary to produce swing. In baseball, volleyball
and soccer there is an interesting variation whereby the ball is released without any spin imparted
to it. In this case, depending on the seam or stitch orientation, an asymmetric, and sometimes
time-varying, flow field can be generated, thus resulting in an unpredictable flight path. Almost
all ball games are played in the Reynolds Number range of between about 40,000 to 400,000.
The Reynolds number is defined as, Re = Ud/v, where U is the ball velocity, d is the ball
diameter and v is the air kinematic viscosity. It is particularly fascinating that, purely through
historical accidents, small disturbances on the ball surface, such as the stitching on baseballs and
cricket balls, the felt cover on tennis balls and patch-seams on volleyballs and soccer balls, are
about the right size to affect boundary layer transition and development in this Re range.

Basic Aerodynamic Principles

       Let us first consider the flight of a smooth sphere through an ideal or inviscid fluid. As the flow
accelerates around the front of the sphere, the surface pressure decreases (Bernoulli equation)
until a maximum velocity and minimum pressure are achieved half way around the sphere. The
reverse occurs over the back part of the sphere so that the velocity decreases and the pressure
increases (adverse pressure gradient). In a real viscous fluid such as air, a boundary layer, defined
as a thin region of air near the surface, which the sphere carries with it is formed around the
sphere. The boundary layer cannot typically negotiate the adverse pressure gradient over the back
part of the sphere and it will tend to peel away or "separate" from the surface. The pressure
becomes constant once the boundary layer has separated and the pressure difference between the
front and back of the sphere results in a drag force that slows down the sphere. The boundary
layer can have two distinct states: "laminar", with smooth tiers of air passing one on top of the
other, or "turbulent", with the air moving chaotically throughout the layer. The turbulent
boundary layer has higher momentum near the wall, compared to the laminar layer, and it is
continually replenished by turbulent mixing and transport. It is therefore better able to withstand
the adverse pressure gradient over the back part of the sphere and, as a result, separates relatively
late compared to a laminar boundary layer. This results in a smaller separated region or "wake"
behind the ball and thus less drag. The "transition" from a laminar to a turbulent boundary layer
occurs when a critical sphere Reynolds number is achieved.

   The flow over a sphere can be divided into four distinct regimes (2). These regimes are
illustrated in Fig. 1, in which the drag coefficient (CD) is plotted against the Reynolds number
(Re). The drag coefficient is defined as, CD = D/(0.5pU2A), where D is the drag force, p is the air
density and A is the cross-sectional area of the sphere. In the subcritical regime, laminar
boundary layer separation occurs at an angle from the front stagnation point (6S) of about 80° and
the CD is nearly independent of Re. In the critical regime, the CD drops rapidly and reaches a
minimum at the critical Re. The initial drop in CD is due to the laminar boundary layer separation
location moving downstream (0S = 95°). At the critical Re, a separation bubble is established at
this location whereby the laminar boundary layer separates, transition occurs in the free-shear
layer and the layer reattaches to the sphere surface in a turbulent state. The turbulent boundary
layer is better able to withstand the adverse pressure gradient over the back part of the ball and
separation is delayed to 0S = 120°. In the supercritical regime, transition occurs in the attached
boundary layer and the CD increases gradually as the transition and the separation locations creep
upstream with increasing Re. A limit is reached in the transcritical regime when the transition
location moves all the way upstream, very close to the front stagnation point. The turbulent
boundary layer development and separation is then determined solely by the sphere surface
roughness, and the CD becomes independent of Re since the transition location cannot be further
affected by increasing Re.

    Earlier transition of the boundary layer can be induced by "tripping" the laminar boundary layer
using a protuberance (e.g. seam on a baseball or cricket ball) or surface roughness (e.g. dimples
on a golf ball or fabric cover on a tennis ball). The CD versus Re plot shown in Fig. 2 contains
data for a variety of sports balls together with Achenbach's  curve for a smooth sphere. All
these data are for non-spinning test articles, and all except the cricket ball, were held stationary in
wind tunnels for the drag measurements. The cricket ball was projected through a wind tunnel
test section and the drag determined from the measured deflection. For the smooth sphere, the CD
in the subcritical regime is about 0.5 and at the critical Re of about 400,000 the CD drops to a
minimum of about 0.07, before increasing again in the supercritical regime. The critical Re, and
amount by which the CD drops, both decrease as the surface roughness increases on the sports
balls. The specific trends for each of the sports balls are discussed below in the individual ball 

In a viscous flow such as air, a sphere that is spinning at a relatively high rate can generate a flow
field that is very similar to that of a sphere in an inviscid flow with added circulation. That is
because the boundary layer is forced to spin with the ball due to viscous friction, which produces
a circulation around the ball, and hence a side force. At more nominal spin rates, such as those
encountered on sports balls, the boundary layers cannot negotiate the adverse pressure gradient
on the back part of the ball and they tend to separate, somewhere in the vicinity of the sphere
apex. The extra momentum applied to the boundary layer on the retreating side of the ball allows
it to negotiate a higher pressure rise before separating and so the separation point moves
downstream. The reverse occurs on the advancing side and so the separation point moves
upstream, thus generating an asymmetric separation and an upward deflected wake, as shown in

Following Newton's 3 Law of Motion, the upward deflected wake implies a downward
(Magnus) force acting on the ball. Now the dependence of the boundary layer transition and
separation locations on Re can either enhance or oppose (even overwhelm) this effect. Since the
effective Re on the advancing side of the ball is higher than that on the retreating side, in the
subcritical or (especially) supercritical regimes, the separation location on the advancing side
will tend to be more upstream compared to that on the retreating side. This is because the CD
increases with Re in these regions, thus indicating an upstream moving separation location.
However, in the region of the critical Re, a situation can develop whereby the advancing side
winds up in the supercritical regime with turbulent boundary layer separation, whereas the
retreating side is still in the subcritical regime with laminar separation. This would result in a
negative Magnus force, since the turbulent boundary layer on the advancing side will now
separate later compared to the laminar layer on the retreating side. Therefore, a sphere with
topspin for example, would experience an upward aerodynamic force. So in order to maximize
the amount of (positive) Magnus force, it helps to be in the supercritical regime and this can be
ensured by lowering the critical Re by adding surface roughness (e.g. dimples on a golf ball).

Tennis Ball Aerodynamics

              Most of the recent research work on tennis ball aerodynamics was inspired by the introduction of a slightly larger "oversized" tennis ball (roughly 6.5% larger diameter). This decision was instigated by a concern that the serving speed in (men's) tennis had increased to the point where the serve dominates the game. The main evidence for the domination of the serve in men's tennis has been the increase in the number of sets decided by tie breaks at the major tournaments
Some recent experimental studies of tennis ball aerodynamics have revealed the very important
role that the felt cover plays. Fig. 6 shows a photograph of the smoke flow visualization
over a 28-cm diameter tennis ball model that is held stationary (not spinning) in a wind tunnel.
The first observation is that the boundary layer over the top and bottom of the ball separates
relatively early, at 0S ~ 80° to 90°, thus suggesting a laminar boundary layer separation. However,
since the flow field did not change with Re (up to Re = 284,000), it was presumed that transition
had already occurred and that a (fixed) turbulent boundary layer separation was obtained over the
whole Re range tested, thus putting the ball in the transcritical flow regime. Although the felt
cover was expected to affect the critical Re at which transition occurs, it seemed as though the
felt was a more effective boundary layer trip than had been anticipated. The fact that the
boundary layer separation over the top and bottom of the non-spinning ball was symmetric
leading to a horizontal wake was, of course, anticipated since a side force (upward or downward)
is not expected in this case.
In the second round of testing, spin was imparted to the ball by rotating the support rod. In Fig. 3,
the ball is spun in a counter-clockwise direction to simulate a ball with topspin. The wind tunnel
conditions corresponded to a standard tennis ball velocity of 39 m/s (87 mph) and spin rate of 72
revs/sec (4320 rpm); this would represent a typical second serve in men's professional tennis. In
Fig. 3, the boundary layer separates earlier over the top of the ball compared to the bottom. As
193discussed above, this results in an upward deflection of the wake behind the ball and a downward (Magnus) force acting on it which would make it drop faster than a non-spinning ball. By
imparting spin to the ball, tennis players use this effect to make the ball curve; the direction and
amount of movement is determined by the spin axis and the spin parameter (S). Spin about a
near-vertical axis is imparted to gain sideways movement whereas topspin and underspin (or
backspin) are used to control the trajectory length (shorter for topspin, longer for underspin).

Drag measurements on non-spinning tennis balls (simulating a perfectly flat serve) revealed that,
for the most part, the flow over new tennis balls was indeed transcritical, with a relatively high
value for the drag coefficient (CD = 0.6), higher than any other sports ball data shown in Fig. 2.
In the transcritical regime, the turbulent boundary layer separation location has moved all the
way up to the region of the ball apex, as shown in Fig. 6. Since almost all of the total drag on a
bluff body, such as a round ball, is accounted for by pressure drag, it was proposed that the
maximum CD on a very rough sphere should not exceed 0.5 . However, on a tennis ball, apart
from providing a rough surface, the felt cover is also a porous (drag-bearing) coating since the
"fuzz" elements themselves experience pressure drag. This additional contribution was thus
termed: "fuzz drag." Since the fuzz elements come off as the ball surface becomes worn, the ball
CD should also decrease, and that is precisely what was observed in the data for the used ball
(Fig. 2). The used ball appears to be in the supercritical regime with a critical Re ~ 100,000.
One of the more intriguing trends in the (new) tennis ball drag measurements was the increase in
CD with decreasing Re. The higher levels of CD at the lower Re (80,000 < Re < 150,000) were
attributed to the dependence of fuzz element orientation on flow (or ball) velocity and the
stronger dependence of CD on Re at the very low fuzz element Re. The recently approved
oversized tennis ball CD was found to be comparable to that for the standard-sized balls.
However, the drag on the oversized balls is higher by virtue of the larger cross-sectional area and
so the desired effect of "slowing down the game" (increased ball flight time) will be achieved.

Cricket Ball Aerodynamics

       In India cricket has been a religion which has been extensively studied. On each delivery, the ball can have a different trajectory, varied by changing the pace (speed), length, line or, most subtly of all, by moving or "swinging" the ball through the air so that it drifts sideways. The actual construction of a cricket ball and the principle by which the faster bowlers swing the ball is unique to cricket. A cricket ball has six rows of prominent stitching along its equator, which makes up the "primary" seam. Each hemisphere also has a line of internal stitching forming the "quarter" or "secondary" seam. These primary and quarter seams play a critical role in the aerodynamics of a swinging cricket ball .Fast bowlers in cricket make the ball swing by a judicious use of the primary seam. The ball is released with the seam at an angle to the initial line of flight. Over a certain Reynolds number range, the seam trips the laminar boundary layer into turbulence on one side of the ball whereasthat on the other (nonseam) side remains laminar. As discussed above, by virtue of its increased energy, the turbulent boundary layer, separates later compared to the laminar layer and so a pressure differential, which results in a side force, is generated on the ball. In Fig. 7, the seam has tripped the boundary layer on the lower surface into turbulence, evidenced by the chaotic nature of the smoke edge just downstream of the separation point. On the upper surface, a smooth, clean edge confirms that the separating boundary layer is in a laminar state. Note how the laminar
boundary layer on the upper surface has separated relatively early compared to the turbulent layer
on the lower surface. The asymmetric separation of the boundary layers is further confirmed by
the upward deflected wake, which implies that a downward force is acting on the ball.

When a cricket ball is bowled, with a round arm action as the laws insist, there will always be
some backspin imparted to it as the ball rolls-off the fingers as it is released. In order to measure
the forces on spinning cricket balls, cricket balls were rolled along their seam down a ramp and
projected into a wind tunnel through a small opening in the ceiling. The aerodynamic forces
were evaluated from the measured deflections. At nominally zero seam angle there was no
significant side force, except at high velocities when local roughness, such as an embossment
mark, starts to have an effect by inducing transition on one side of the ball. However, when the
seam was set at an incidence to the oncoming flow, the side force started to increase at about U =
15 m/s (34 mph). The side force increased with ball velocity, reaching a maximum of about 30%
of the ball's weight before falling-off rapidly. The critical velocity at which the side force started
to decrease was about 30 m/s (Re = 140,000). This is the velocity at which the laminar boundary
layer on the nonseam side undergoes transition and becomes turbulent. As a result, the
asymmetry between the boundary layer separation locations is reduced and the side force starts to
decrease. The CD curve for the cricket ball in Fig. 2 seems to indicate that transition has started
to occur at Re < 140,000. For those tests, the (non-spinning) ball was released with the seam
angled at 20° and it was found that the ball rotated due to the aerodynamic moment about the
vertical axis and thus the seam caused relatively early transition on both sides of the ball. Also,
these data suggest that as the critical Re is approached, the CD for spinning balls will not fall-off
as abruptly as that for non-spinning balls. On spinning balls, the transition occurs in stages led by
the advancing side where the effective Re is higher. Also, note that for balls with discrete
roughness (seam on cricket ball and baseball), the spin axis and rotation rate also play an
important role in determining the ball aerodynamics.

The maximum side force was obtained at a bowling speed of about 30 m/s (67 mph) with the
seam angled at 20° and the ball spinning backwards at a rate of 11.4 revs/s. Trajectories of a
cricket ball, computed using the measured forces, resulted in a parabolic flight path with a
maximum deflection of 0.8 m; this compared extremely well with field measurements. The
computed data also helped to explain the phenomenon of "late" swing. Since the flight paths are
parabolic, late swing is in fact "built-in" whereby 75% of the lateral deflection occurs over the
second half of the flight from the bowler to the batsman. A used ball with a rough surface can be
made to "reverse swing" at relatively high bowling speeds. Due to the rough surface, transition
occurs relatively early (before the seam location) and symmetrically. The seam acts as a fence,
thickening and weakening the turbulent boundary layer on that (seam) side which separates early
compared to the turbulent boundary layer on the nonseam side. Therefore, the whole asymmetry
is reversed and the ball swings towards the nonseam side.

Volleyball and Soccer Ball Aerodynamics

         In recent years, there has been an increased interest in the aerodynamics of volleyballs and soccer balls. In volleyball, two main types of serves are employed: a relatively fast spinning serve
(generally with topspin), which results in a downward Magnus force adding to the gravitational
force or the so-called "floater" which is served at a slower pace, but with the palm of the hand so
that no spin is imparted to it. An example of a serve with topspin is shown in Fig. 8. The
measured flight path implies that the downward force (gravity plus Magnus) probably does not
change significantly, thus resulting in a near-parabolic flight path. The floater has an
unpredictable flight path, which makes it harder for the returning team to set up effectively.

In soccer, the ball is almost always kicked with spin imparted to it, generally backspin or spin
about a near-vertical axis, which makes the ball curve sideways. The latter effect is often
employed during free kicks from around the penalty box. The defending team puts up a "human
wall" to try and protect a part of the goal, the rest being covered by the goalkeeper. However, the
goalkeeper is often left helpless if the ball can be curved around the wall. A recent spectacular
example of this type of kick was in a game between Brazil and France in 1997 . The ball
initially appeared to be heading far right of the goal, but soon started to curve due to the Magnus
effect and wound up "in the back of the net." A "toe-kick" is also sometimes used in the free
kick situations to try and get the "knuckling" effect.
For both these balls, the surface is relatively smooth with small indentations where the "patches"
come together, so the critical Re would be expected to be less than that for a smooth sphere, but
higher than that for a golf ball. As seen in Fig. 2, that is indeed the case for a non-spinning
volleyball with a critical Re of about 200,000. The typical serving speeds in volleyball range
from about 10 m/s to 30 m/s and at Re = 200,000, U = 14.5 m/s. So it is quite possible to serve at
196a speed just above the critical (with turbulent boundary layer separation) and as the ball slows
through the critical range, get side forces generated as non-uniform transition starts to occur
depending on the locations of the patch-seams. Thus, a serve that starts off on a straight flight
path (in the vertical plane), may suddenly develop a sideways motion towards the end of the
flight. Even in the supercritical regime, wind tunnel measurements have shown that side force
fluctuations of the same order of magnitude as the mean drag can be developed on non-spinning
volleyballs, which can cause the "knuckling" effect .


 Though I have discussed the applications of aerodynamics in only a few of the more popular sports, every sport makes use of the principles of aerodynamics. Aerodynamics is not only seen in sports but in every aspect of life. From the way we walk to the way we have evolved aerodynamics has played an unimaginable role.

References :

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